
I have always had a profound love for reading, which naturally evolved into writing too! This passion for the art of crafting stories using words lead me to a path of web content managing. I have previously managed portfolios for my clients' writing requirements, with each website containing anywhere from 5 all the way to 5,000 pages; my day was easily filled with spreadsheets and databases of content. My current focus is where I am the Lead Editor and Content Stategist!
February 21, 2022
Does A Water Filter Make My Water Soft? Find Out Here!

Does a Water Filter Soften Water? A water filter will remove many contaminants from the water supply, but it will not soften it. If you want to soften water, you should try a reverse osmosis (RO) machine. This is a much more expensive machine, and it only removes chemicals and minerals, but it leaves the […]

February 21, 2022
How Long Should A Water Softener Last? Let's Find Out!

How Long do Water Softeners Last? Most water softeners are not designed to be replaced. They are meant to be a one-time investment. Some companies will recommend replacing your water softener after 10 years of use. This is true if it has been in good working order. Softeners work by removing excess calcium and magnesium […]

February 21, 2022
Do Soda Crystals Actually Work As Water Softener? Find Out Here!

Do Soda Crystals Soften Water? Yes, they do. Soda crystals are used to soften water in swimming pools and spas for cleaning purposes. Soda crystals are made of a mixture of sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate, and sodium chloride. The crystals are added as a concentration with water as sediment to help remove impurities from the […]

March 15, 2021
Why Does My Motion Sensor Security Light Stay On All The Time?

How Can I Turn Off The Security Light? A motion sensor light can add a great deal of security and comfort to your home. Though these sensors aren’t 100% perfect all the time and when they’re not working how you want them to, it can be very frustrating. Here's our roundup of the best motion […]

March 15, 2021
How Do You Generally Reset The Sensor On A Motion Sensor Security Light?

Resetting A Motion Sensor Floodlight - Step By Step Guide!  Are you having a hard time getting your floodlight to work how you want it to, or how it’s supposed to? It could be time to give it a reset!  How do you reset the motion sensor on a floodlight? Occasionally you may find that […]

March 15, 2021
How To Keep Your Motion Sensor Light On All The Time? Find Out Here!

How To Your Fool Motion Sensor Light To Stay On All The Time! It may go against what motion sensors were designed for but sometimes you might want your light to be on all of the time. Whether you’re working on something and you need the light or maybe you’re even having a party. Sometimes […]

March 15, 2021
Why Does My Motion Sensor Security Light Keep Flashing On/Off?

Motion Sensor Light Keeps Flashing - Why? And How Do I Fix It? Your Questions Are Answered!  Motion sensor lights are great, aren’t they?  They alert you to things when there’s movement. Provide a good sense of security.  Thing is, that all goes out of the window when they stop working properly. It becomes frustrating […]

February 15, 2021
Boiling Water Taps Pros & Cons - Read This Before You Get One!

The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Boiling Water Taps If you've decided to take the plunge and kit your kitchen out with a new boiling water tap, it's a good idea to get familiar with the pros and cons of buying one before making a decision. Boiling water taps have many advantages such as the fact […]

February 15, 2021
Are Boiling Water Taps Expensive To Run? Find Out Here!

Costs Of Running a Boiling Water Tap - Explained Many people assume that boiling water taps can be expensive to run, due to the fact you have access to heated water all the time. However, despite the initial upfront cost, boiling water taps are said to save money in comparison to a kettle, due to […]

February 15, 2021
How Safe Are Boiling Water Taps? Find Out Here!

Is a Boiling Water Tap Safe? If you've decided you might be interested in buying a boiling water tap then you might be wondering how safe they are, especially if you have a household full of children, or your worried you might be scolded when making your morning cup of tea. Luckily, most boiling water […]
