The Best Ways To Clean Your Water Softener Resin! Read Here!

Last Updated on November 1, 2022 by Simon

How to Clean Water Softener Resin?

Water softeners are used in many households to soften water.

The water softener resin must be cleaned periodically to remove dirt and mineral buildup.

The best way to clean the resin is to turn off the water softener system and run fresh water through the system.

Use a mild soap and rinse with fresh water.

You can use a slightly acidic solution to clean the resin if you have a high-efficiency system.

Water Softener Resin Cleaning Benefits

The advantages of cleaning your water softener resin are many.

  • Cleaning your water softener resin helps prevent the buildup of calcium mineral buildup, which could cause your water softener to fail. As a result, the resin will last longer.
  • Additionally, it prevents bacteria from growing in the resin, which could lead to an unpleasant odour in your home.
  • It makes the resin easier to use.
  • It helps to prevent corrosion.
  • It helps reduce the amount of chlorine released into the water.
  • It helps to keep the water soft.

How To Clean Water Softener Resin Tank - Step by Step Process

The water softener resin tank is an important part of your home's plumbing system and its softening capabilities. For the tank to perform its function, it must be filled with a strong resin and maintained correctly. However, if it is neglected, the tank can become an eyesore and cause additional issues.


STEP 1 Remove the water softener brine tank. First, remove the top and bottom of the tank. Next, carefully pry off the centre panel that contains the resin.

STEP 2 Clean the inside surface of the tank. The next step was to clean the inside surface of the tank. I used a Vinegar solution with water, a cup of household bleach, and litres of water to do the job. Make sure you rinse the tank thoroughly after using the water cleaner.

STEP 3 Reinstall the resin. Once you've cleaned and replaced the resin bed, it's time to reinstall the resin and the top and bottom of the tank. You'll use two screws and two washers.

STEP 4 Cover the tank. After finishing up the resin bed, you're ready to finish off the project. It's important to put a good seal on the tank. For this purpose, you need to add a layer of silicone caulk around the seams of the tank. It's important to be sure to caulk any cracks or holes in the tank.

How to Use Resin Cleaner

A soft, flowing water supply is a hallmark of good living. Unfortunately, when your pipes are corroded and leaky, the situation gets dire. You need to know how to get your water flowing again. The solution lies in using water softener resin cleaner, an inexpensive product that is easy to use and highly effective.


  1. Select the resin bead you wish to use. Most softener resins come in either a ready-to-use liquid or a powder form. I used a liquid resin in the past, but I prefer a powder for ease of use.
  2. Mix the water softener resin cleaner according to the instructions on the package. Be sure to keep the container well away from open flames and heat sources while mixing.
  3. Apply the mixture to the leaky pipes.
  4. If you're having difficulty getting this mixture into the cracks, try using a paintbrush. If that doesn't work, you may need to get some PVC pipe and use an air compressor to blow the softener resin cleaner into the cracks.
  5. Allow the water softener resin cleaner to dry. It will take several hours for the mixture to set up.

Are Water Softener Resin Tanks Needed to Be Cleaned?

When your water softener has not been in use for a while, you need to clean the resin tank.

If you notice a colour change after the water passes through the softener unit, the water tastes nasty, or there is a rotten egg smell or a foul sulfur odour, you need to clean that unit.

If you suspect a microbial or bacterial infection, you should clean that tank. If you notice a bad smell, you should check the water quality.

Follow the manufacturer's recommendations of your water softener unit for the entire regeneration process. Some people recommend doing the replacement interval every 3 months; others say it once a year.

Check our reviews of the best water softeners here!

Can I put Vinegar in my softener?

Yes. Follow the same instructions for cleaning your aquarium with bleach solution. Mix the vinegar water with resin beads if that's what you prefer.

What is a Brine well in a Water Softener?

A brine well is used to hold blocks of salt. Salt pellets are used to remove water minerals. Calcium Ion exchange occurs when salt pellets are placed into the brine well.

Water Softener Maintenance

Softeners are low maintenance. You should add salt brine regularly to your salt tank. Doing this will ensure the softeners efficiency and your system continues to run smoothly.

Periodically checking the salt level will also help you avoid unpleasant problems like smelly water or hard water.

Salt bridge and salt mushing are both bad things. The softener won't cycle properly when the salt pellets get stuck in the water softener brine tank. This causes the water to be too hard. The salt also makes the water taste bitter.

Salt won't dissolve to make a brine. Resin depends on brine to soften the water. Hard water causes the resin to clog up. Softening resin needs brine. The water softener tank should be filled half-full.

Never mix different kinds of cleaners.

Use only the correct amount of product. Too much can damage the water softener unit.

Use only the recommended amount of soap.

Clean the resin tank at least twice a year.

Always test the water first.

Never let children play near the softener.

Last words

The best way to maintain your water softener is to follow the manufacturer's directions. Don't rely on internet forums or other websites for advice. They often give out incorrect information.

Don't forget to read the owner's manual before starting any project. Don't use harsh chemicals. Use only approved products.

Do not attempt to repair or replace parts yourself. Always call a professional plumber or technician to fix your equipment.

Article Written & Fact Checked By


I have always had a profound love for reading, which naturally evolved into writing too! This passion for the art of crafting stories using words lead me to a path of web content managing. I have previously managed portfolios for my clients' writing requirements, with each website containing anywhere from 5 all the way to 5,000 pages; my day was easily filled with spreadsheets and databases of content. My current focus is where I am the Lead Editor and Content Stategist!
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