Can You Transport A New Water Softener On Its Side?

Last Updated on December 26, 2022 by

Can You Transport A New Water Softener On Its Side?

After purchasing a water softener, you need to carefully consider how you will transport it home. Its cylindrical shape and size can make moving the appliance quite challenging. To ensure that your water softener makes it safely home without sustaining any damage, caution needs to be taken when transporting it.

So can you transport a new water softener on its side? The answer is yes! As long as you ensure that the softener's valve is sealed and secure and place it to stay upright while in transit, you can safely transport your new water softener on its side if necessary.

Why Is It Not Recommended To Lay Down Water Softeners?

It's not recommended to lay down basic water softeners when transporting them because of the damage it could cause. Many may think this is a safe option as it makes fitting them into certain vehicles, especially smaller ones like sedans, easier.

However, when in a horizontal position and moved around as such, your water softener is prone to rolling due to its cylindrical shape. This action can seriously damage both the external and internal components of your water softener.

To ensure that you don't do any damage to your device, you must keep your water softener in an upright position during transport or even just move it across the room.

Do not upside down or lay the unit on its side as this can easily cause damage to the control head, covers, or even tanks. So be sure to keep it upright!


When it comes to transporting a new water softener, the potential for problems quickly becomes apparent. While the ideal position for your larger capacity water softener is upright, trying to transport it in that position can be difficult and time-consuming. This can be an even bigger headache if you are moving your softener from one house to another.

Components Might Be Damaged

If you're looking to transport a new water softener, it's important to know that transporting it on its side could lead to potential damage. If the resin and brine tanks move during the process of moving, there is a risk of both external and internal components being damaged.

External Features

When transporting a new water softener, it's important to be aware of the external features that could potentially sustain damage. Both the metal resin tank and plastic brine tank may suffer scuffs, dents, or cracks from rolling around during transport.

Such damages to these tanks are preventable by using proper cushioning and making sure they don't come into contact with any other items in the vehicle or trailer.

Internal Components

Transporting a new water softener can be tricky business; for one, there are plenty of internal components that could be damaged during transport. In the brine tank, there's a delicate float-and-valve assembly that is easily broken from physical trauma.

Meanwhile, in the mineral tank, the slender riser tube needs to be handled with care so as not to get cracked or broken. Additionally, the distributor basket at the base of the tank must be securely tightened before you move your appliance otherwise it will become dislodged.

Individual Part Replacement Costs Are Expensive

Moving a new water softener comes with the possibility of damaging its parts, which can be expensive to replace. Individual components like pumps, valves, and replacement filters can range from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars in cost.

This does not include the cost of hiring a technician to install any necessary new parts which will only add more to your expenses.

Therefore, if you are transporting a water softener, it is important to take utmost care as individual part replacement costs can be very costly.

How To Transport A Water Softener Safely

Here are some tips to transport a water softener without any damage:

Tie It Down

When transporting a water softener, it is essential to tie it down securely. Ratchet straps or ropes are recommended for the best results and for keeping your appliance upright during long and bumpy journeys.

Don't forget to place some blankets or towels underneath the straps. It ensures that the exterior of the appliance won't suffer any damage.

If you don't want your water softener to end up damaged after its journey, then make sure you tie it down properly and always use blankets or towels beneath the straps!

Keep It Upright

If you're transporting your water softener, the most important thing is to make sure it stays upright. Regardless of the mode of transportation, keeping your water softener in an upright position is key. This ensures all of its parts remain intact and that no damage is caused while in transit.

When it comes to loading and unloading your water softener, be sure to do so slowly and carefully. It's best to lift it from its bottom side so that it won't shift or tilt to one side.

Make Use Of Padding

When transporting a water softener, you should make sure to use padding for extra protection. This can include things like pillows, blankets, bubble wrap, and more.

The softener in blankets will not only protect the softener from any scuff marks, dents, or cracks that could occur during transport but it will also absorb the impact of being on the road.

Use a Dolly If Needed

When it comes to transporting a water softener, a dolly is something you definitely want to use if possible. Even though a water softener isn't one of the heaviest appliances, it can be awkward and cumbersome to lift and carry on your own.

That's why using a dolly or hand truck will give you the best protection against any accidents occurring during the move.

In short, if you need to transport your water softener for any reason, make sure you have a dolly or hand truck handy to help you do so safely.

Not only will this help prevent accidents from happening, but it'll also give you much-needed peace of mind knowing that your appliance is being handled properly and safely.

Can I Take My Water Softener With Me When I Move?

For many homeowners, the question of whether or not they can take their water softener with them when they move is a valid one. Luckily, the answer is a definite yes.

Although it may require some reprogramming in order to treat different water than it originally did, most water softeners have the capability to be moved to new locations and adjusted accordingly.

Things To Think About When Transporting A Water Softener

When you decide to move your water softener, there are a few important things you should think about first. You want the same great water in your new home, so considering the needs of your old and new system is essential.

Is Your New Home's New Owner Expecting You To Leave The Water Softener?

If you're moving soon, one important consideration to make is whether you should take your water softener with you. Even if the new home already has a treated water supply, bringing your own could add value and protection for the new owner and potentially save you money in the long run.

But if you are taking your water softener with you when you move, make sure that the potential buyer knows this in advance. Otherwise, your presence of the softener may complicate things in come time for settling and finalizing the sale.

Will You Do The Moving Yourself Or Hire A Professional?

When considering whether or not you should take your water softener with you when you move, one important question to ask yourself is whether you plan on doing the moving yourself, or hiring a professional.

Have You Tested The Water In Your New Home?

Before you move, it’s worth making sure that your new home's water is free of iron and has little to no hardness. The best way to do this is by using a simple water hardness test kit.

This will provide important test results regarding the water quality, with 7 GPG (Grains Per Gallon) or less considered not worth treating due to minimal hard water stains and barely affected soap effectiveness.

Are You Switching From Well Water To Municipal Water?

If you are switching from well water to municipal water, it is important to take note that most municipal water supplies have chlorine in the water. While chlorine helps to make the water safe for consumption, it can also cause issues with your current water softener.

Is Your Water Softener Going To Fit In Your New House?

When you're moving, one of the big questions is whether or not your water softener will fit in your new home. Unfortunately, the answer to this is dependent on the size of your water softener and the new layout of your house.

Typically, a standard water softener tank has a height of 54 inches (66 inches with the control valve added) and a salt tank can be as large as 18 inches in diameter.

For The Journey, Keep The Water Softener Upright

When you're moving, it's essential to keep your water softener upright at all times. Most water softeners contain a bedding of gravel and resin particles in the base, which keeps them from being washed out as the water flows through.

Thus, if the tank is tilted or placed on its side during transportation, the resin and gravel bedding can move out of place, leading to clogs in your new home's plumbing!

Preventing The Water Softener In Your Moving Truck From Freezing

When moving in a cold climate or during a cold time of year, one of the key concerns is to ensure that your water softener does not get so cold that it freezes. This could lead to expanded fittings or cracked tank parts due to the increase in pressure.

After You've Relocated The Softener, You'll Need To Install And Re-program It

Now that you've safely relocated your water softener to the new home, it's time to install it and re-program it. I recommend using new fittings or adaptors when installing it, as even though the old fittings may look fine, it pays to be sure.

To ensure a snug fit and prevent any leaks, make sure to use Teflon tape on the new fitting, and don't forget to clean and lubricate any seals or O-rings with a silicone-based lubricant.

Article Written & Fact Checked By


My name is Nathan Walters and I used to be a Mystery Shopper in my previous life. I love pizza, my 3 cats and fine wines! I also have a strange yet satisfying addiction to Netflix binges :) I am the Director of Best Reviews. I'm blessed to have a team of professionals in most fields who review and test products. Feel free to send me a message using the contact page!
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