Can Water Softener Cause Acne? Find Out Here!

Last Updated on December 26, 2022 by

Can Water Softener Cause Acne?

The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that between 40 and 50 million Americans suffer from acne. It's one of the most common skin disorders in the U.S., manifesting itself during the mid-teens, with some cases persisting into adulthood.

That’s right; using a water softener could potentially contribute to your acne issues due to the presence of calcium ions and magnesium in hard water.

These minerals can both increase clogging in the pores, leading to inflammation and the development of more acne spots.

So if you’re already dealing with acne, you may want to consider installing a water softener in your home.


When it comes to the causes of acne, there are several to consider. Adolescent hormone levels can cause the oil-producing glands in your skin to become overactive, which can lead to clogged pores.

This traps P. acnes bacteria in your pores and causes inflammation, resulting in acne pimples or comedowns. But water softener might be another factor that could contribute to this problem.

If your home is using hard water, then it may contain high levels of magnesium and calcium that can clog pores just like blocked sebum. Also, water softeners use salt which can dry out the skin and make it more susceptible to acne breakouts.

So while it's not clear whether water softeners themselves directly cause acne, they could potentially play a role in its development by leading to clogged pores and producing dry skin conditions and other soft water skin problems.

Aggravating Factors

When it comes to acne, there are certain factors that can aggravate the condition and make it worse. Poor hygiene practices, such as inadequate face washing or using harsh cleansing agents, are known triggers for acne flare-ups.

Hard water in the home is another factor that may worsen acne. Water softeners can help reduce the effects of hard water by removing the minerals from it, which may help reduce some of these exacerbating factors.

Ultimately, a water softener cannot cause acne but it might be beneficial in helping to lessen its severity.

Can Water Softener Cause Skin Rashes?

It is possible that water softeners could cause skin rashes, although this is not a common occurrence. Water softeners are used to remove calcium and magnesium ions which otherwise can cause limescale, chemicals in soap scum, and other issues related to hard water.

Softened water tends to taste better than untreated hard water and many people with sensitive skin types or eczema have found that softened water provides relief from their symptoms.

That being said, however, it is still important to be aware of the potential for irritating skin rashes caused by hot water softeners.

This can occur if the concentration of sodium ions in your softened water becomes too high which results in skin irritation or itching of the skin.

What Are The Effects Of Hard Water On Your Skin?

The effects of hard water on your skin can be extremely detrimental. This is because the inorganic minerals found in hard water, such as calcium and magnesium, interact with chemical body soap residue to create a built-up film on your skin.

This film then acts as a barricade, preventing your pores from releasing natural oils and necessary moisture to the surface of your dead skin. As a result, you may experience an increase in skin conditions like cystic acne or eczema.

To combat this issue, many people utilize water softeners that rid their showers and bathwater of the harmful substances found in hard water.

By eliminating these elements from their bathing regime, individuals are better able to prevent skin conditions from developing or worsening due to contact with mild soap residue, sticky soap scum, and blocked pores caused by ion exchange.

What Are The Benefits Of Water Softeners?

Water softeners can have some great benefits! By eliminating magnesium and calcium ions from hard water and replacing them with sodium or potassium, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, these systems can help keep your skin healthy.

Additionally, researchers at Portsmouth University are currently investigating its use for a variety of skin conditions such as eczema.

So if you’re looking to reduce mineral buildup on your skin, reduce problems with dirt or grime clinging to your body after a shower, and gain a more pleasant bathing experience overall without drying out your skin, then investing in a good water softener might be worth it.

Not only will it save you money in the long run, but it may even provide you with benefits far beyond that too!


Is It Possible For A Water Softener To Cause Dermatitis In People With Sensitive Skin?

It is possible that a water softener, when not properly installed, maintained, and operated according to the manufacturer’s recommendation, can cause dermatitis in those with sensitive skin.

As lukewarm water passes through the softener system it has the potential to strip away essential minerals and leave behind heavier materials such as iron sulfide or manganese dioxide, which can irritate the skin.

Additionally, because hard water retains certain minerals (such as calcium), if it is replaced by softened water it could lead to a mineral deficiency that could trigger dermatitis symptoms in some individuals with sensitive skin.

My Dermatologist Advised Me Not To Use A Water Softener

The dermatologist suggested that we should not use a water softener if I have sensitive skin. The recommendation was based on the fact that even a properly maintained operating system could cause irritation to my skin.

If this is the case, then it's best to look for another alternative treatment. This doesn't mean that water-softening systems will necessarily be detrimental to everyone with sensitive skin.

However, if you're feeling uncomfortable or irritated, it's better to stop using the system and find another option instead.

Because It Would Aggravate My Skin Even More. Was He/she Correct?

The debate about whether water softeners can cause acne has been going on for some time now. While the scientific evidence isn't conclusive, it is generally accepted that there is a chance that water softeners can aggravate existing skin conditions, such as acne.

In general, it is thought that hard water combined with soap scummy or calcium may contribute to clogging of the pores and irritation of the skin—both of which can increase acne.

If you have sensitive skin and existing acne problems, it's best to consult your doctor regarding the use of a water softener before getting one installed in your home.

This way, you will be able to get advice on whether using a softener could help improve any existing issues or worsen them.

Will A Water Softener Help With Dermatitis Itching And Dryness?

If you have dermatitis, a properly maintained and operated water softener can definitely help improve your quality of life. Softening the minerals in warm water can reduce itching and dryness associated with dermatitis.

It also eliminates other potential causes of dermatitis that would not be present in softened water. So if you're looking for an easy way to help with the symptoms of your common skin condition, then a water softener system may be exactly what you need!

I Started Getting Rashes On My Skin After Installing My Water Softener. Is It Because Of The Softener?

It's unlikely that the installation of your amazing water softener is causing your skin rashes. It's more likely that you're having an allergic reaction to something else that has changed in your home or office since the system was installed.

If you can't figure out what has changed, it would be best to visit a dermatologist and have them examine the issue.

At this point, it's important to rule out any potential connections between the water softener salts and your recent skin outbreaks before looking into other causes. But whatever it is, it's not related to the original installation of your water softener.

Will Softened Water Cause My Scalp To Become Dry And Flaky?

If you're wondering if softened water will cause dryness and flaking on your scalp, the answer is yes but only if your system is not maintained and operated properly.

If there are no issues present in regard to the functioning of your water softener, then you can rest assured that softened water will not cause any scalp dryness or flaking.

Keep in mind though that even with a well-oiled machine, homeowners should take extra measures such as using a good shampoo to ensure their scalp health is kept in check.

Article Written & Fact Checked By


My name is Nathan Walters and I used to be a Mystery Shopper in my previous life. I love pizza, my 3 cats and fine wines! I also have a strange yet satisfying addiction to Netflix binges :) I am the Director of Best Reviews. I'm blessed to have a team of professionals in most fields who review and test products. Feel free to send me a message using the contact page!
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