Water Softeners - Can You Put Them Outside? Let's Find Out!

Last Updated on November 1, 2022 by Simon

Can I Put My Water Softener Outside?

Yes, you can put your water softener outside. But, you should be careful about where you place it because it could cause damage to your property.

I recommend putting it inside a shed or garage. The reason for this is that if you put it outside, it may be exposed to rain, snow, ice, and other elements which could damage your equipment.

There are smaller tankless water softeners available that can fit and take up little to no space. So, as long as you have the space, you can place your water softener outside.

Have a look at the best water softeners we have reviewed, here.

Can A Water Softener Freeze Outside?

Yes, water softeners freeze outside like any other appliance. If you live in a cold climate, you may need to install a heat exchanger inside your home to keep your water softener from freezing during the winter months.

The best way to prevent freezing is to turn off the power to the unit when temperatures drop below freezing. If the unit freezes, you should contact your local utility company for help.

Water softeners are usually located inside the home, where they are better protected. If you live in a colder region, with water that freezes in the winter, you need to be careful about where you install your water softener.

Modern water softeners have a built-in heating system that can keep the water softener from freezing.

Can Sunlight Damage A Water Softener?

Sunlight can damage a water softener, especially if the filter is exposed to direct sunlight for long periods. You can place the water softener inside a building where the sun cannot reach it or cover the filter when it’s not in use.

If you do not protect your water softener from direct exposure to sunlight, you may experience rusting, corrosion, and other forms of deterioration. 

When selecting a water softener, you'll find that each has its unique benefits. If you have hard water, you'll want to look into water softener salt types.

Please keep in mind that certain water softener salt types are more effective than others, so make sure to do your research before deciding on an option.

Where Is The Best Place To Install Water Softeners?

  • The best place to install water softeners is in your basement. This way, you don't need to worry about the noise from running water. And also you don't need to put any pipes through your walls.
  • If your home has a well, installing a water softener near the kitchen sink helps prevent salt buildup in the soil around the well.
  • You should install a water softener in a location where the water has been flowing for at least 6 months. If the water source is new, install the water softener near the main water supply.
  • Installing the water softener near a water heater makes sense since the heat from the heater helps soften the water.
  • Where you place your water softener depends on your specific water needs, your budget, and the installation size.

How do I protect my outside water softener?

If you have an outside water softener, you'll need to take some precautions if you live in a harsher climate.

Here are 5 ways to protect your water softener outside.

1. If you want to protect your outside water softener from theft, then you should put up a sign that says "Do Not Enter" and install a motion sensor. This way, when someone tries to enter your property, the alarm will go off and you'll know who did it.

2. Protect your outside water softener by keeping clean. It means keeping it free from dirt, debris, and other foreign objects.

Call a professional immediately if you notice any damage to your water softeners tank.

3. Protecting your outside softened water from damage is easy.

  • Turn off the power supply to the unit.
  • Remove all the access panels and disconnect any wiring.
  • Then cover the unit with a tarp until you need it again.

4. It's best to invest in an underground pipe that connects the water softener to the main water pipe with a filter at the main pipe's exit. It will protect your surface water flow and your family's health.

5. Untreated water softeners often contain a resin tank that can be replaced if it freezes, but you should also keep other components in mind.

The brine solution tank and the control head rely on the water softeners resin tank's water softeners to carry out their functions. So you don't want to get caught in the cold with an entire unit down.

Last Words

If you are looking to buy a water softener, it is important to know the size of your household and the water hardness in your area. It will help you determine which water softener to buy.

With the help of a professional, you are more likely to make the right decision.

Article Written & Fact Checked By


I have always had a profound love for reading, which naturally evolved into writing too! This passion for the art of crafting stories using words lead me to a path of web content managing. I have previously managed portfolios for my clients' writing requirements, with each website containing anywhere from 5 all the way to 5,000 pages; my day was easily filled with spreadsheets and databases of content. My current focus is BestReviews.co.uk where I am the Lead Editor and Content Stategist!
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