Can A Bowl Of Water Humidify A Room? Find Out Here!

Last Updated on August 26, 2022 by
can a bowl of water humidify a room?

Can A Bowl Of Water Humidify A Room?

potted pink petaled flowers on table
If you live in a dry climate, it can affect your health. Your skin will become rough and cracked, and you could even develop a cough. This is because there aren't enough moisture levels in your air. You might notice that you will start developing a cough, or you might see that you are beginning to get nosebleeds. These symptoms indicate that you need to increase the humidity level in your house.

There isn't enough humidity in your environment. A simple solution to this problem is to purchase a humidifier. However, these devices tend to be expensive. Fortunately, there are ways to make your home much more humid without spending too much money, including using a water bowl. Can a bowl of water humidity a room? Yes, you can. It is one of the best options to use a bowl of water. You need to place the bowl where it won't spill and add a few drops of essential oils to help the process.

Using a bowl of water to humidify the room

Water bowls in a living space can help reduce dryness and itchy skin, prevent colds and boost energy levels.

The trick is to find out how much humidity you want in a particular area. For example, if you live in a hot climate, you might want to keep the humidity level low. On the other hand, if you live in colder weather, you'll probably want humidity increase.

gray stainless steel bowl beside red and pink petaled flower centerpiece

One way to do this is to fill several large containers with water. Place them throughout the house, and let each container sit overnight. Then, check the next morning to see what needs to be done.

If you don't like the idea of monitoring the humidity level yourself, some products on the market allow you to set up automatic systems.

Make sure the climate of the area where you place the bowl of water is not too cold to freeze the water.

Type of water bowls you are using to humidify the room matters

If you've ever noticed how much water drains out of your dog's bowl when he drinks, you already know a lot of evaporation happens when we pour fresh water into his bowl. But what happens when you use a different kind of bowl to humidify your room? Can you tell the difference in the process? Let's find out.

First up, let's look at the bowls themselves. We got three kinds from Amazon: a ceramic bowl, a plastic bowl, and a stainless steel bowl. We'll start with our simple ceramic bowl. It looks pretty similar to the one I usually use. The main difference is the shape. The bowl is rounder and has a smaller diameter. Now, let's see what happens when we add fresh water to each one.

Ceramic Bowl - After adding water to the ceramic bowl, the water level rises very slowly. It takes about 15 minutes for the bowl to fill. So, if we had to guess, we'd say that the ceramic bowl is probably the most efficient type of bowl.

Plastic Bowl - Adding water to the plastic bowl doesn't seem to make much of a difference. It fills up almost immediately. However, it does drain faster than the ceramic bowl. Maybe that's because the plastic bowl is slightly larger.

Stainless Steel Bowl - Finally, we have the stainless steel bowl. This bowl holds less water than the others. It seems like it needs to be filled up a little more often. Once again, we notice that this bowl drains off the water a little quicker than the others.

So, based on those observations, we think the stainless steel bowl is probably the best choice. It's the fastest to empty and holds the least amount of water. And since it's dishwasher safe, it's easy to clean up afterwards.

Now, let's try another experiment. Next, we'll put the same amount of water into each bowl. Then, we'll turn the heat source on high. What will happen next?

Can we use a bottle and a washcloth to do so?

You can use a bottle and a washcloth to promote faster evaporation of the liquid inside the bowl. To do this, place a bottle of some sort into the middle of your shallow water dish. Then, drape a clean towel over the bottle to cover the entire bowl's bottom. Once you've done this, you want to ensure that the towel's edge is touching the surface of the water because this will allow the water to rise up and out of the bowl and onto the towel. You'll start seeing its result over periods of time.

Can we use a teapot?

If you're looking to improve indoor air over time quality, adding some extra humidity to your environment is one way to do it. Humidity levels tend to drop during the winter, which is why many people use bowls of water to help keep the air moist.

But opening a window in winter is also a good idea to maintain the humidity level of the room, you should also read our article about it.

Here are three reasons you should use a teapot instead of just adding tap water bowls;

1. Less mess

You won't have to worry about cleaning up spilt water. You'll also avoid cleaning out the bottom of the bowl every day.

2. More efficient

The teapot will release the same amount of moisture as the bowls of water. However, the teapot will remove it faster because it doesn't take up room inside your house.

3. Better control

Using a teapot can easily regulate how much moisture is being added into the air. With a bowl of water, you'd have to constantly monitor the standard water level to ensure enough is being added to keep the air moist. 

However, this isn't always going to work very well. If you want to see how effective a teapot can be, here's what you'll need to try out.

1. Fill up the teapot with hot water.

2. Let the water cool down until it's just warm.

3. Add a few drops of essential oils to the water.

4. Place the teapot over a pan filled with boiling water.

5. Allow the teapot to sit there for a period of time. (about 10 minutes)

6. After ten minutes, check the room's temperature to see if it's changed.

Buying a humidifier still worth it or not?

Humidifying a room can be done in several ways. One way is the bowl of water method. Bowls of water can maintain the humidity if you place them near the window where the air comes into the room. Another option is to fill up a large container with water and place it near the door. You could even use a few small water containers around the house. There are plenty of options out there when it comes to making sure that your home is always comfortable. But you can never go wrong with an actual humidifier. You don't want to pay too much for a compact humidifier because it might break down quickly. A humidifier can cost anywhere from $20 to about $100, depending on how many features it has.

If you're looking for one that has a timer feature, you'll probably find that it costs around $30 to $40. If you need to moisten the air, you could spend less than $10. There are plenty of options out there. The best part is you can use your air purifier and humidifier in the same room.

Article Written & Fact Checked By


I have always had a profound love for reading, which naturally evolved into writing too! This passion for the art of crafting stories using words lead me to a path of web content managing. I have previously managed portfolios for my clients' writing requirements, with each website containing anywhere from 5 all the way to 5,000 pages; my day was easily filled with spreadsheets and databases of content. My current focus is where I am the Lead Editor and Content Stategist!
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