Boiling Water Taps Pros & Cons - Read This Before You Get One!

Last Updated on September 7, 2022 by
Boiling Water Taps Pros & Cons

The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Boiling Water Taps

If you've decided to take the plunge and kit your kitchen out with a new boiling water tap, it's a good idea to get familiar with the pros and cons of buying one before making a decision.

Boiling water taps have many advantages such as the fact they are time-saving and convenient, making them very appealing in comparison to kettles which take time to heat, however, boiling water taps also have some drawbacks such as there high price which is not affordable for everyone. 

We have gone into further detail below, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of boiling water taps to help you figure out if a boiling water tap is right for you.

What Is a Boiling Water Tap & How Does It Work?

Before diving into the pros and cons about buying a boiling water tap, we thought we would give you a basic rundown of what one is and how they work.

A boiling water tap acts as a normal faucet, except it produces boiling water. These taps come in three common types; 2 in 1, 3 in 1 and 4 in 1, with some models having the option to dispense cold filtered water for drinking and others hot water for teas and coffees.

The way these taps work is by being connected to a small 3L (or bigger) tank which is located under your sink, this tank has a heating element and a thermostat, which heats the water inside via an electrical socket that it's plugged into, the water inside this tank is withdrawn from the main water supply in your house.

On some models, you can set the thermostat of your tap to a specific temperature with some going all the way up to 100 degrees boiling point, and others stopping at 98 degrees.

Pros & Cons Of a Boiling Water Tap

Now you know the basics of a boiling water tap and how they work, we have listed out the advantages and disadvantages of using one below.


From space-saving to convenience, there's a huge range of advantages to buying a boiling water tap for your kitchen.

They Are Convenient

First thing first, boiling water taps are very convenient as they provide hot water on demand, whenever you want, all you have to do is simply turn on the faucet.

These taps additionally require no waiting time for the water to heat, making them perfect for a quick morning cup of coffee or an instant noodle pot for lunch.


In comparison to a kettle, boiling water taps are very energy efficient as the water is kept at a certain temperature for you to use on tap at any time, a kettle, on the other hand, needs to be re-boiled constantly and consumes a lot of energy and money each time its switched on.

Very Safe

Due to the boiling nature of these taps, they are designed to be very safe, meaning they can be used in a family household with children or vulnerable people.

Great safety features such as insulation and two-stage safety handles can stop your child from scolding themselves on the exterior of the tap or turning the tap on accidentally and getting burnt.

These taps are also less likely to spill in comparison to a kettle as they are attached to a surface, unlike a kettle that can be knocked over easily.

Can Be Used With Filters

The filters in these boiling water taps can make your drinking water taste better by removing any nasty-smelling/tasting chemicals from your water, leaving it pure and better tasting.

These filters can further help with limescale build up in your tap and can even make your water come out softer with some of the higher range models.

The Tank Is Small

Even though you will have to clear some space under your kitchen sink, the tanks for boiling water taps are very small and do not take up a lot of room, with 3L being sufficient for most peoples needs such as teas and coffee throughout the day.

It may be worth buying a bigger tank if you have a larger family and use lots of hot water, however, but even then, this tank should still fit neatly in your cupboard under the sink.

Adjustable Temperature

Some of the best boiling water taps have an adjustable thermostat which gives you much more control over the temperature of your water, allowing you to pick water at 70 degrees for the perfect hot chocolate or 90 degrees for brewing your morning cup of coffee.


There are a few disadvantages to buying a boiling water tap which you might not have considered, we have listed a few below for you to judge.

They Are Very Expensive Upfront

Upfront, these appliances do not come cheap, and you can see yourself spending £500 and over easily for a high range durable model with good features.

In comparison to a £30 kettle this makes this taps a small fortune for hot water, but worth it in the long run for great energy efficiency and convenience.

On-going Maintenance Is Needed

Every six months or so, you may need to replace the filter within your tap depending on how hard your water is. This can cost about £30 and above every six months which will add up long term.

For special additions too such as limescale units this can also cost an extra amount of up to £150.

Not All Models Give Boiling Water

This might be important to some people but not to all, as it is worth noting some boiling water taps can't give boiling water of up to 100 degrees, with many having the limit of 98 degrees which is hardly noticeable for everyday uses, but worth noting if you are looking specifically for taps that can produce boiling water of 100 degrees.

They Take Cupboard Space

The tanks of these taps are not bulky, but will still take up a fair amount of room under your sink, so before buying your model it is essential to make sure that this tank will able to fit into your cupboard.

Installation Is Needed

Unlike kettles, these boiling water taps will need a fair amount of installation, which is possible to do without a professional, but may require some tools and an electrician to fit a socket under your sink for the heating element to plug into.

They Can Be Dangerous

Although many of the best boiling water taps come with excellent safety features to prevent the tap from being turned on accidentally, these taps are still very dangerous as they can produce a flow of nearly 100-degree water, so if you forget this when you turn your tap on, it could result in serious injury.

One way to avoid this is to make sure the flow of your boiling water out your tap is not too high to avoid splashback.

FAQs About The Pros & Cons Of Boiling Water Taps

How much does a filter for a boiling water tap usually cost?

This depends on the brand but for Quooker, their filters tend to cost around £30 per every six months, so £60 a year you would spend on filters for your tap. It's worth noting however some brands can go up to £60 per filters, so that could be £120 a year!

What's the average price for a boiling water tap?

The average price for a boiling water tap is between £200 for a low range model to £500-£1,500 for a more advanced model which has 4 in 1 feature or even a sparkling water option.

How many cups can you get out of a 3-litre tank?

You can get around 12-18 cups of liquid from a three-litre tank depending on the size of the mugs that you are using.

What is a two-stage safety feature on my boiling water tap?

The two-stage safety system on your tap refers to a safety clip which is usually coloured and has to be removed before starting the tap. The handle which has a child lock has to be depressed for water to flow out of the tap.

Are there important features to look out for in a boiling water tap?

Yes, some of the most essential features to watch out for on your boiling water tap are; the tank size, functions, safety features, design and thermostat option.

You should also consider if you want a single or double faucet style model.

Final Words

To conclude, boiling water taps have many advantages such as convenience, style, high energy efficiency and ease of use. They are the right kind of appliance to use if you are fed up of waiting for your kettle to boil in the morning and want a snazzy feature that can even help with cooking and cleaning on demand.

However, the disadvantages of these taps are not be ignored, such as there high price and electrical installation needed, as many homeowners do not have an electrical plug underneath there sink. They also need filters brought every six months, so there are a lot of after prices to consider when buying one of these taps too.

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I have always had a profound love for reading, which naturally evolved into writing too! This passion for the art of crafting stories using words lead me to a path of web content managing. I have previously managed portfolios for my clients' writing requirements, with each website containing anywhere from 5 all the way to 5,000 pages; my day was easily filled with spreadsheets and databases of content. My current focus is where I am the Lead Editor and Content Stategist!
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