How Much Does It Cost To Put In A Water Softener?

Last Updated on June 3, 2021 by Simon
How Much Does It Cost To Put In A Water Softener?

What Is The Investment For A Water Softener?

So, you're thinking about installing a water softener? A quick search will tell you that the average price for a water softener is around £300-£400. However, depending on what type and capacity you need these prices can change drastically. The 4 main types of water softener; salt-free, magnetic, reverse osmosis and ion exchange. Salt-free are the most common, but depending on what area you're in and how hard your water is will affect what type you need.

Can I Install A Water Softener Myself?

This isn't a simple yes or no question. If you're willing to do your research and get the right tools then yes, there's absolutely no reason why you can't install it yourself. Water softeners need to be installed close to mains water inlets, typically under the kitchen sink. For some people, this can be a big task if you don't have the time, knowledge or tools for the job. Now depending on what type of softener you buy will dictate how difficult the job will be. Magnetic system water softeners have been reported to be the easiest to fit, whereas reverse osmosis systems are by far the most difficult and should almost always be done by a trained professional! Water softeners must also comply with certain water regulations so this is something else to think about when deciding to go for the DIY route.

Do Water Softeners Need A Drain?

Yes, when the system is in the regeneration process they need to drain water. There are a few options when thinking about draining your system; standpipe, floor drain or utility sink.  Depending on where you've decided to instal your machine will have a large impact on what draining system you will require.

How Do I Know What Size Water Softener I Need?

Knowing what size of water softener to buy can be difficult as it depends on how much water is used per day and how hard the water is. The average person uses approximately 80 gallons of water per day. There are lots of variables to take into consideration when sizing your water softener. Take a look at this guide on sizing your water softener if you need more help.

How Long Do Water Softeners Last?

A good quality water softener can last for years if serviced and repaired when needed. Most don't require a lot of maintenance, the only thing required is topping up the salt when required.

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