How To Sync A Wireless Doorbell? Our Guide

Last Updated on April 10, 2023 by Simon
Best Wireless Doorbell

Installing and Using your Wireless Doorbell

If you have already purchased the best wireless doorbell, then your next step is installing it. Once that process has been completed, you are ready to sync it and then it’s ready to use. The problem that a lot of people have during the installation process is that sometimes the instruction manuals aren’t very clear. With this in mind, take a look at the tips below which will help you to make sure that your wireless doorbell is installed correctly and synced to the receiver or receivers properly.

How to Install a Wireless Doorbell

Installing a wireless doorbell is actually a really straightforward process that anyone can do, even if your instruction manual isn’t exactly clear on what you need to do. Here are a couple of tips that will help you if you’re wondering how to install a wireless doorbell.

  • Stick on or Screw on – There are different types of wireless doorbells available and different ways to attach them. Most of them are simply stick on. You will usually be provided with a strong adhesive strip which you can stick to your desired surface and then place the push button on top of it, it really is as simple as that. If your wireless doorbell requires screws and a bracket to be fitted onto the door, then the process will be a little more complicated. You will have to use some power tools to make sure that it is fitted properly. However, you will lose the portability that comes with wireless doorbells that can simply be stuck on.
  • Choose a Location for the Receivers – Once you have fitted the push button onto the door at the front or back of your house, the next thing that you are going to need to do is to choose a location for your receivers. You will need to consider the wireless range for your model in order to make sure that it will work properly.If your wireless doorbell comes with two or more receivers, then it is generally a good idea to place one downstairs where you will be able to hear it properly, and another upstairs so that you can hear it wherever you are in the home. Once you have plugged in the receivers, you are ready to sync your wireless doorbell.

Tip: When you are choosing the location to install your wireless doorbell, make sure you consider the surface that you are applying the adhesive strip to. If, for example, you are applying it to a metal door then you might find that during warmer weather the metal heats up and melts the adhesive.

How to Sync a Wireless Doorbell

Syncing your wireless doorbell is just as simple as installing one. There are a few things that you will need to do, but for most devices it is simply a matter of pressing a button and allowing the device to do the work for you. Here are a couple of tips.

  • Choose your Tone – Before you can fully sync your wireless doorbell, you are going to need to choose the tone that you want to use. The amount of melodies on your device will vary massively; some have as few as 5 and below whereas others have upwards of 50. Do make sure that it is a tone that you will be able to hear properly.
  • Set the Volume Accordingly – Most wireless doorbells will have adjustable volume. Make sure that you have the volume set at a level where you can comfortably hear it all over the house, especially if you only have one receiver plugged in. If the volume is set too high, then there is a chance that the sound will be distorted which is also something that should be avoided.
  • Carry Out the Syncing Process – Each individual wireless doorbell will have a different syncing process. Take a close look through the instruction manual provided with your model to find out what you need to do. If you are still stuck, then you can do a simple Google search for how to programme a wireless doorbell along with the make and model of your device. You should be able to find a step by step that will help you to get everything synced up properly.

As you can see, the installation and syncing process involved with a wireless doorbell kit is actually really quite simple. If you are stuck, then there are plenty of great videos on YouTube that will give you tips and tricks to help you with the installation and syncing process.

A wireless doorbell comes with so many benefits; portability, extra security, easy installation and the ability to hear it all over the home. There are so many great models out there that are packed with style, so take a look at some models and see which ones would be suitable for your home.

Article Written & Fact Checked By


My name is Nathan Walters and I used to be a Mystery Shopper in my previous life. I love pizza, my 3 cats and fine wines! I also have a strange yet satisfying addiction to Netflix binges :) I am the Director of Best Reviews. I'm blessed to have a team of professionals in most fields who review and test products. Feel free to send me a message using the contact page!
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